2) Please select the date and time of our arrival.
Important: this is the time for arrival, not the cleaning duration. Cleaning appointments can vary from 2-6 hours depending on property size and cleaning requirements. If you can't find a suitable day or time, please give us a call.
Step 2 of 5: What type of cleaning do you need?
House cleaning package: a top-to-bottom cleaning for your home following our checklist shown here. Enter total number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and the total square footage of the home.
House cleaning by the hour: a time-limited cleaning best for cleaning specific areas of the home. (Note: the hourly clean will not guarantee full coverage of your home).
Clean Scale
Additional pricing is to cover extra cleaning supplies based upon condition of the home
Step 3 of 5: Customize your Cleaning
If you selected House Cleaning package in Step 2, we highly recommend first-time customers to book a Deep Clean to ensure their property is adequately cleaned.
Choosing the right package is important to guarantee assigning the right amount of hours and cleaners. If a job requires deep cleaning, and the package selected is a standard cleaning, the job may need additional hours. Additional hours on the same day cannot be guaranteed. Visit our checklist to see what our cleaning packages include.